Saturday, September 17, 2005

Another Week, More Pictures (the great stress reliever)

here we go again. Dad brought the camera back from the Catskills but i did not get it in time to get some magnificent shots of at least 20 people crowding the streets but still I got some today.

Please make sure to visit the Jew v. Jew link over on the right. Makes for good reading

I have so much crap going on in my life. Stress at Work. Stress at Home. The Stress of serious family illness. It is good to know that I can rely on the people in my neighborhood to provide me with the entertainment to rtelieve some of the stress.

i call these "So Close Yet So Far"

I call this one "Sidewalks? We don't need no Stinkin' Sidewalks!"

These are called; "Some things never change"

I call this "Call Child Protective Services"

This is my favorite one of all time. I call it" "The Dog has more sense than the People"

Sunday, September 11, 2005

They're Back!!!!!

I figured let me get a few shots before my Dad took the camera to the Catskills (he better take good care of it) where people walk in the streets but there are no sidewalks!!!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

it has been a while but the month of august was fruitful

A picture is worth a thousand words. Here's 6,000 words.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

I'm Back

I have been away for a couple of weeks but some things never change

That was a lone shot from last week but I got some others anew. Notice the sidewalk in both pictures.

I like this one the best. he is so close tho the sidewalk but the asphalt pulls him towards it.

The most incredible thing is how parents put their defenseless kids in harm's way.

Sunday, July 17, 2005


Nothing this week. Busy looking at colleges on Shabbos. I will get you something next week. here is something from a previous week--but new to the blog.

Saturday, July 09, 2005


Today was a banner day. I got lots and lots of pictures.

This is my favorite. See how the car had to get real close to them before they moved. He had to honk his horn.

Sidewalks in NYC are not this big yet they still walk the streets.

Oy Vey!!!!

Sunday, July 03, 2005


Saturday July 2, 2005 I was camera-less so i will include fotos from prior days.